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You Can Talk About Your Competitors and Reap Benefits Too!


Allaire Williams

In business, it can get very cut-throat. There was a time when it was almost unheard of to mention your competition in a marketing strategy and your organization would be labeled and have a negative connotation associated with it. Well, those times have changed. Why? There is a distinct way that you can talk about your competitors and still come out on top, reaping positive results. How is that possible?

The power of positivity

You can keep a neutral stance and make valid comparisons about your competition. That would give you credibility and help your SEO. Think about it. If you mention something positive about your competition, giving them credit for their ingenuity, you won't be looked at as a negative force, but rather as a company that values honesty and recognizes good strategy. There's nothing wrong with that. Keeping your comments and content ethical will give you leverage that you couldn't even imagine! This will work in any industry, even self-storage. Here is an example:

Kelly Lester, the owner of discovered the hard way that a large competitor had started making a product just like hers with a cheaper price tag. Instead of throwing in the towel, she did an online review of how her product weighed in against the larger brand. Her honest post gave her a high search rank and gained her customers. The other company? Ziploc.

If you watch television or follow online advertisements, other companies do this all the time. Most of the time however, they are big corporations pitting themselves against each other. You don't think about the smaller business leveling the playing field.

When you are implementing this plan, make sure your strategy benefits you both. If it's a larger competitor, you'll definitely attract some attention. Doing product comparisons are the norm. If your competitor is doing something worthwhile, tell it! You'd be surprised at the number of people who will engage in conversation based on something as simple as that. Those conversations will drive positive traffic your way and you didn't have to do much of anything.

This is one of the marketing strategies that works well, especially if you are a small business trying to gain visibility. Honest reviews and comparisons against larger brands opens the door for potential consumers to know about your company, your product, and the benefit they may gain by taking a chance on you. Bigger is not always better. Customers aren't always pleased with what they have, they just don't know where to look for alternatives.

There is a lot of potential for site rank here. You just have to be prepared and use a well thought strategy to make the most of your opportunity. Not all business is bad business. It depends on the presentation. Remember, presentation is everything, especially in an online environment. You can only gain from having a positive outlook on your competition. Truth is, you'll learn more about them and so will the consumers. A positive play on words will always trump negativity each and every time.

Allaire William is a professional writer for Self Storage Blog and specializes in SEO content marketing. When not writing, she is helping clients find the best Miami self storage or maybe self storage in Los Angeles.

Article Copyright © 2013 Allaire Williams;All Rights Reserved

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