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Overwhelmed By Data? Try a Marketing Reporting Solution


Rocky C. Rhodes

Marketing is all about having the right information at the right time. Often, this involves implementing data capture systems so that you can track information about your customers, as well as your existing marketing and advertising platform. Unfortunately, without an organized marketing reporting solution, many business owners find themselves drowning in data, and unable to make effective decisions based on that data. If you are in that situation, here are a few reasons for trying a reporting solution.

Compare Data Across Time

In order to know where you are going, you often have to have a solid perspective of where you have been. One of the biggest benefits of a reporting system is that it allows you to compare your marketing channel performance across time. Whether you want to compare the performance of your PPC ads on a month-to-month basis, or see how you have improved over the past few years, a reporting solution places this information right at your fingertips.

Compare Different Marketing Channels

One of the hardest questions every business owner has to answer is how to best distribute their marketing budget across multiple channels, be they television or pay-per-click advertisements, direct mail, or pr campaigns. A reporting software allows you to compare not only how well each of your different channels are performing, but the relative return on your investments in ads or marketing.

This tool will allow you see which channels are performing well, and which are lagging, given your relative investment in that marketing channel. Over time, this data will allow you to optimize your marketing budget so that you get more traffic for less.

Compare Progress Towards Goals

Yet another reason why you should try a marketing channel data solution is that it allows you to see, at a glance, how you are progressing towards your marketing goals. Anyone who is familiar with SMART goals knows that they should be measurable. This tool not only measures progress, but allows you to set specific metrics that you want to hit.

A reporting solution lets you see how much your website traffic has increased after implementing or tweaking your online advertising campaigns, or see how much sales have increased after mailing out that twenty percent off coupon. By having this information, you will perfect your marketing campaigns, to be hyper effective in achieving your goals.

Makes Sharing Information Easier

Finally, one of the biggest benefits of a reporting solution is that it allows you to easily share your marketing performance with all of your internal and external stakeholders. With this easily shareable system every person in your organization will be on the same page. You can easily have reports sent to your partners and stakeholders in an easy to read .pdf format on a weekly or monthly basis.

To find out more about how a marketing reporting solution can help your business, go to today!

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