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The Trust Destroying Mistakes to Avoid


Marcus Lloyd

Trust is hard to get, and much more easily destroyed. It has been said that building trust is like building a sandcastle on a beach - it's incredibly beautiful when it's built, but just one mistake could wash it all away.

These are five of the most common and deadly trust-hindering mistakes to avoid.

1 Scream Selling

Sales letters can give the impression that they're "screaming" at the reader to buy.

Great copywriters can make this style of writing work, for the vast majority of people, this is more likely turn visitors off than generate sales.

2 Not Acknowledging Objections

If there's a glaring objection to your product or offer, address it. Don't pretend it's not there.

For example, if you're selling a health supplement that's effective but causes wind whilst taking it, acknowledge it. Customers will probably read about it in reviews and forums anyway. Addressing the objection will make it seem like less of an issue compared to the benefits.

3 Not Having a Professional Design

Do ugly sales letters work? For a single-time sales, the answer is often yes.

In the long run, you want to get people to trust you and buy again and again, bad-looking sales letters and websites will hurt rather than help.

Spectacular-looking websites can be created easily, without a dip in conversion. The best way need is a great designer and a little bit of split testing.

4 Making a Claim You Can't Prove

Never make a claim that's bigger than what you can prove. Don't claim that they can make $10,000 a month if you can't prove your claim.

A smaller claim that's true but looks less impressive at first, will generate more conversions than if you make a huge claim that you can't prove.

Make claims that are reasonable and let your customers decide for themselves whether or not to buy. You should still need powerful language to write great copy, but the core is you need to be clear and honest about what you're offering.

5 Not Paying Attention to Your Brand

Your brand is critical to your traffic and your conversions, but it's often overlooked by many marketers. You are what you appear to be, and this is even more important on the web.

Pay attention to your brand. Release top-notch products and provide first class service. It might not seem like it'll pay off in the short term, but in the long run it'll make all the difference.

Don't underestimate how much people think they know about you before they land on your website. There's a good chance they'll have assessed your credibility as a person, the quality of your product, and what other customers have experienced - all before they land on your site. That influences their decision.

These are the most common trust-hindering mistakes to avoid. Avoiding these mistakes, diligently building trust, and your conversions will rise as a result.

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