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Twenty Nickels Newsletter Archive

Twenty Nickels

If you save twenty nickels, you’ve made a dollar


Raymond Matkowsky


Issue 9-13                                                                                                                    September 2013

Desktop or Laptop?

Raymond Matkowsky

Over the past 15 years, my experience has led me conclude that desktop computers as a class are more relieable and business friendly than laptops.

During that period, I have owned four desktops, starting with Windows® 98, then Windows® XP and now Windows® 8. I have also used one laptop for business and my immediate family have used three others within the last six years.

Repair History

Out of the four desktops, only one has ever had to be repaired and that was for an over used power supply that could not keep up with demands. On the other hand each one of the laptops needed repair for various reasons. The newest one of the laptops had to have its display replaced within six months of its purchase. The repair would of been very costly, if the unit was not under warranty.

Even Low Weight Laptops Are Heavy

I am very familiar with one state government agency that issued all their employees laptops. The thought was that the workers would take their laptops with them when they would be out of the office. The employees soon learned that these were a burden and left them behind. Plus, the lost laptops and unauthorized connections became a security issue.

Ergometical Not

When used in the office, the screens were too low causing neck and shoulder problems. Within a year, the agency took back all the laptops and issued everyone a desktop.


In general, I would advise a business to use desktops as much as possible. Laptops are expensive and my own experience suggests that they have a high cost of maintenance. A high quality desktop will most likely cost the same and in some cases even less. Also, remember a malfunctioning computer may have many hidden costs associated with it besides repair.

In some cases a laptop is necessary. Two that come to mind are EMTs and construction sites. If a laptop is necessary, invest in a heavy duty unit that can take abuse and the weight issue is of minor importance.

A Call For Reader Input

We at Data Stats would like to see this newsletter become a reader supported forum for help questions, answers, or general comments on anything appearing in this newsletter or Data Stats’ website. If you have a question, answer, or comment to contribute send them to me at I will try to publish it here.

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Also, in your email, please let us know if we have permission to share your email address with experts that may be able to exchange ideas with you directly.

Raymond D. Matkowsky

Copyright © 2013 Raymond D. Matkowsky

Data Stats
P.O Box 672
Old Bridge, New Jersey 08857-0672

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