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Twenty Nickels Newsletter Archives

Twenty Nickels

If you save twenty nickels, you’ve made a dollar


Raymond Matkowsky


Issue 8-12                                                                                                                    August 2012

Three Productivity Myths

Raymond Matkowsky

When it comes to the word "productivity" most people can give you a satisfactory definition but very few actually know how to go about improving productivity. There are many myths about how to go about improving productivity and most of them are wrong! Here are three myths and what is wrong with them.

1. Productivity Is A Labor Responsibility
This is a myth that I believe is most advanced by politicians that do not understand anything dealing with productivity beyond the spelling of the word. Productivity is primarily a management responsibility. Employees are human. They could only do so much without the proper tools. It is up to management to supply its workforce with the proper tools. Let's give an example:

You have a piece of equipment with a lose bolt. You send your maintenance man to tighten it. But, you don't supply him with the proper wrench to do the job. How much longer will it take to do the job by hand? Will the job be properly done?
2. Individual Apps Will Allow A Worker To Improve Your Bottomline
It is true that individual apps will allow a worker to do his or her job more effciently. As for affecting your bottomline, it's doubtful. This employee's efficiency will most likely not even cause a blip on your balance sheet.

On the other hand, if you standardize on a single type of equipment (No BYODs) and give it plus the app to all your unit's employees, you are liable to see an improving bottomline. There is strength in numbers.

It needs be said that this app should not have a steep learning curve. There have been many instances of an employer introducing a new system with the goal of improving productivity only to have most employees shun it because of the time necessary and the difficulty in learning it.
3. One Single Breakthrough Will Jump Productivity To New Heights
Here we have something that is possible but highly unlikely. A true breakthrough is exceedingly rare. Stop looking for it! If it is going to happen, it will come. In the meantime, look for small improvements. The name of this newsletter is "Twenty Nickels." When you put twenty nickels together, you have a dollar. Clear?

These are just three myths. There are hundreds, if not thousands, out there. If you keep these in mind and question others you should start to improve the propductivity of your operations.


A Call For Reader Input

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If you have an urgent question to ask, you don't have to wait for our newsletter to come out. We will try to find you a reader or one of our experts that may be able to help you. So, if you have a question, comment, or think that you can be of help, send us an email at once to:

Also, in your email, please let us know if we have permission to share your email address with experts that may be able to exchange ideas with you directly.

Raymond D. Matkowsky

Copyright © 2012 Raymond D. Matkowsky

Data Stats
P.O Box 672
Old Bridge, New Jersey 08857-0672

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