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Twenty Nickels Newsletter Archive

Twenty Nickels

If you save twenty nickels, you’ve made a dollar


Raymond Matkowsky


Issue 5-15                                                                                                                    May 2015

Where Do You Put Your Advertising Dollars?

Raymond Matkowsky

In a famous quote, John Wanamaker said that “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, the trouble is that I don’t know what half.” Mark Zuckerberg stated that “Advertising works most effectively when it is in line with what people are already trying to do.” To me this says that you should advertise on sites where you are sure to find the people you want.

We thought about these two quotes when we decided to determine what are the most frequently visited pages on Our website is oriented to the business professional. Much like what is said about Microsoft® Office®, most visitors only use about 20% of the site. However everybody uses a different 20%. As support for this conclusion, we finished 2014 with 1640 pages of which only 32 pages were never opened up. We have served approximately 22,500 pages in 2014. So, far, we have served 17,000 pages during the first four months of 2015.

For the record, does not accept any advertising and we have no plans to do so in the future. Therefore, we have no stake in how the numbers came out. Advertisers can judge for themselves as to where to put their money on other sites.

Our site is divided into four main categories which are further divided into direct informative links. The site is offered in English and Spanish. The two language sections are not necessarily identical. We add six to twelve pages a month and modify an additional twelve pages a month.

The site is divided into business articles, business toolkit which provides links to necessary government and private information, traveler’s toolkit which provides for all types of travel information and reservations, and the engineer’s toolkit which provides the necessary information for all types of tasks that require extensive calculations used in engineering and business.

46.9% of the pages served came from the articles section. 21.4% came from the traveler’s toolkit. 17.2% came from the business toolkit section and 5.0% from the engineer’s toolkit. The remaining 9.5% was spread around various other pages such as “about Data Stats”, “Contact”, etc..

It was no surprise to us that the business articles would gather the most popularity. We were surprised that the second in popularity was the “traveler’s toolkit. Evidently, a large number of business travelers avail themselves of the information. We decided to look into this a little more deeply.

The most popular subdivision was worldwide hotels. They garnered 1134 views. 831 in English and 303 in Spanish. Next up was airlines and airports. No surprise there. 434 views in English and 82 in Spanish. What was a surprise was local car rentals. We expected local weather. There was 416 views in English and 82 views in Spanish. Weather came in next with 304 pages in English and 17 pages in Spanish, for a total of 321 views. Local maps trailed with 220 views with ¾ in English.

Of course business article pages are very popular and have a large number of viewers. However, many “eyeballs” seemed to be focused on travel sites. Of these hotels sites seemed to be the most popular and a good place to spend advertising dollars or whatever currency you use. Airlines and airports are also a good choice. So are car rental sites.

If readers have any further suggestions, contact me at and I will try to publish them.


A Call For Reader Input

We at Data Stats would like to see this newsletter become a reader supported forum for help questions, answers, or general comments on anything appearing in this newsletter or Data Stats’ website. If you have a question, answer, or comment to contribute send them to me at I will try to publish it here.

If you have an urgent question to ask, you don't have to wait for our newsletter to come out. We will try to find you a reader or one of our experts that may be able to help you. So, if you have a question, comment, or think that you can be of help, send us an email at once to:

Also, in your email, please let us know if we have permission to share your email address with experts that may be able to exchange ideas with you directly.

Raymond D. Matkowsky

Copyright © 2015 Raymond D. Matkowsky

Data Stats
P.O Box 672
Old Bridge, New Jersey 08857-0672

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